Neurobehavioral Therapy
Neurobehavioral Therapy (NBT) is a type of therapy that focuses on the relationship between the brain and behavior. It is based on the idea that psychological conditions, such as anxiety, attention deficit, depression or others are caused by changes in the brain.
The therapy aims to help individuals understand and change the way their brain functions in order to improve their symptoms and overall well-being. Elements of Neurobehavioral Therapy include Neuro-Cognitive Training (NCT), Neuro-Motor Training (NMT), Neuro-Emotional Training (NET), Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, and other.
This therapy is often used in combination with medication and other forms of therapy to address mental health conditions.

Neuro-Behavioral Therapy (NBT) is an effective “Non-Talk” therapy helping children and adults to overcome everyday stress, anxiety, irritability, mood swings, difficulties with attention, impulsivity, over-reactivity, fatigue, problems with sleep, and other issues associated with every-day life demands, work and school.
Neurobehavioral therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the relationship between the brain and behavior. It is based on the idea that psychological conditions, such as depression or anxiety, are caused by changes in the brain.
EEG (Electroencephalogram) is a test that allows to record the electrical signals (brain waves) from the brain
EEG-based assessment helps to evaluate the brain physiological functioning and cognitive processing.
"My daughter's behavior lately is honestly transformed. I could cry tears of joy for how I feel this therapy has helped her (and our family). She is SO much more calm, patient, kind, helpful, engaged, happy, relaxed, enthusiastic... the list goes on! We've been able to cut out her medication for going to sleep. She rarely gets irritable with her sister (that was a HUGE problem for us for a long time). She used to be nervous/anxious about so many scenarios, now she can totally go with the flow and is always willing to try new things. Its honestly so incredible that I am scared to ever NOT have this therapy in her life. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this incredible therapy."
"....I could not imagine my son trying out for a soccer team a year ago due to his anxiety. Thankful for your support as I see it is impacting him outside of therapy!"